[1.7.10] EpicPeople - эпические личности!
Epic People
Мод добавляет довольно крутых личностей,к примеру божества и т.д. и каждый моб по себе чем то полезен.
Мод добавляет 6 боссов и 5 мобов в ваш мир,5 специальных вещей : менять время,ставить и перемещать блоки.
(Увы,я не нашел описание мобов на русском языке,но тут и без английского можно понять о чем идет речь)
The lich king: He will spawn in Ice mountains biome and has 2000 HP. He has the sword Frostmourne. He can drop the sword but its RARE.
The lich queen: She will spawn in ice plains biome and has 500 HP. She has the Ice staff that she can drop but it also RARE.
The Sun God: He can spawn anywhere in your world and drops the Sun Staff. He has 150HP
The Mood God: He can spawn anywhere and can drop the Moon Staff. He has 150HP.
The Fire God: WIP. He can spawn anywhere (going to fix that) and has 500HP. He drops a Golden apple or a Nether Star (RARE)
lillispro (creator): He is the hardest boss in this mod with 5000HP and powerfull attacks. He drops the Staff of Creation. He spawns verry rare all over your world.
The lich king: He will spawn in Ice mountains biome and has 2000 HP. He has the sword Frostmourne. He can drop the sword but its RARE.
The lich queen: She will spawn in ice plains biome and has 500 HP. She has the Ice staff that she can drop but it also RARE.
The Sun God: He can spawn anywhere in your world and drops the Sun Staff. He has 150HP
The Mood God: He can spawn anywhere and can drop the Moon Staff. He has 150HP.
The Fire God: WIP. He can spawn anywhere (going to fix that) and has 500HP. He drops a Golden apple or a Nether Star (RARE)
lillispro (creator): He is the hardest boss in this mod with 5000HP and powerfull attacks. He drops the Staff of Creation. He spawns verry rare all over your world.
Frostmourne : не имеет специальных свойств,но наносит большой дамаг.
Ice Staff : правой кнопкой мыши, вызывает ледяные шары.
The sun Staff : правой кнопкой мыши,меняет время днем в мире.
The Moon staff : правой кнопкой мыши,меняет время ночью в мире.
Staff of Creation : правой кнопкой мыши,вроде бы меняет блок на алмазный блок.
Ice Staff : правой кнопкой мыши, вызывает ледяные шары.
The sun Staff : правой кнопкой мыши,меняет время днем в мире.
The Moon staff : правой кнопкой мыши,меняет время ночью в мире.
Staff of Creation : правой кнопкой мыши,вроде бы меняет блок на алмазный блок.
(Увы,тут я тоже не смог перевести дословно ,ибо мое знание английского равен 20%)
Creeper in disguise WIP: This is a slow mob with 15HP that (will) explode when attack you. He drops gunpowder.
Hoodie Guy: This is the mob you will see the most in your world. He has 25HP and is not aggressive.
Casual Girl: This girl has almost the same spawn rate that the hoodie guy. She has 25HP and is not aggressive.
Gamer: This guy is pretty rare and is not aggressive. He drops a diamond or an Emerald.
Rainbow Girl: The rainbow girl will light up your world and drops dye or wool. 25HP and not aggressive.
Diver: You will find the diver in ocean biomes. He is not verry powerfull but verry fast so dont go out in the ocean without a boat!
Creeper in disguise WIP: This is a slow mob with 15HP that (will) explode when attack you. He drops gunpowder.
Hoodie Guy: This is the mob you will see the most in your world. He has 25HP and is not aggressive.
Casual Girl: This girl has almost the same spawn rate that the hoodie guy. She has 25HP and is not aggressive.
Gamer: This guy is pretty rare and is not aggressive. He drops a diamond or an Emerald.
Rainbow Girl: The rainbow girl will light up your world and drops dye or wool. 25HP and not aggressive.
Diver: You will find the diver in ocean biomes. He is not verry powerfull but verry fast so dont go out in the ocean without a boat!
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