[Plugins][1.8.1]KillPoint - Место смерти
Всем привет! Вы не знаете где умерли? Копали в шахте и вас взорвал крипер? Были алмазы? Скачайте плагин и узнайте место смерти! Это очень полезно. Бывало, вы имеете свой сервер и ваш игрок "школьник" начинает писать в чат: Админ меня взорвал крипер, а у меня в инвентаре были алмазы. Верни мне вещи, или я уйду с сервера! Так вот. Теперь вы узнаете место смерти. И эти игроки просто пойдут за вещами. Далеко ли, или близко. Давайте посмотрим команды
Ты издеваешься? Их нету!
Теперь Permissions
Для любопытных конфиг
Rewards: # Edit the amount of money that is given to players when they kill something.
PlayerKill: 15.0
HostileMobKill: 10.0
PeacefulMobKill: 5.0
Messages: # Edit the messages that are sent to the player when they kill something - Leave blank or '' for no message.
PlayerKill: 'You were awarded {PLAYER_KILL} for killing a player!'
HostileMobKill: 'You were awarded {HOSTILE_KILL} for killing a hostile mob!'
PeacefulMobKill: 'You were awarded {PEACEFUL_KILL} for killing a peaceful mob!'
Updates: # Change based on if you want this plugin to check for the latest version automatically. It is strongly recommended it stay true.
CheckForUpdates: true
Rewards: # Edit the amount of money that is given to players when they kill something.
PlayerKill: 15.0
HostileMobKill: 10.0
PeacefulMobKill: 5.0
Messages: # Edit the messages that are sent to the player when they kill something - Leave blank or '' for no message.
PlayerKill: 'You were awarded {PLAYER_KILL} for killing a player!'
HostileMobKill: 'You were awarded {HOSTILE_KILL} for killing a hostile mob!'
PeacefulMobKill: 'You were awarded {PEACEFUL_KILL} for killing a peaceful mob!'
Updates: # Change based on if you want this plugin to check for the latest version automatically. It is strongly recommended it stay true.
CheckForUpdates: true
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